Canadian Postal Code Database

Canadian Postal Codes

Cost effective Canadian postal code data products. Whether your needs are simple city-province lookups from a postal code, distance calculations, finding all postal codes or locations within a radius, finding the area code or time zone used, our data can help.

Review our product field comparison to help you decide which edition is right for your needs. Need more information? Follow the edition specific link for more details about that product and sample data.

Produced: on or before 5th calendar day quarterly
Current Release: March 4, 2025
Distribution Frequency: quarterly (issue date: January, April, July, October)
Distribution Format: Internet download

Canadian Postal Code Database Editions
 Premium EditionStandard Edition
Postal CodeYesYes
City NameYesYes
Abbreviated City NameYesYes
Full Province NameYesYes
Province AbbreviationYesYes
Rural/Urban IndicatorYesYes
Area CodeYesNo
Time ZoneYesNo
DST RecognizedYesNo