The Standard Edition contains a complete listing of all Canadian Postal Codes with city and province cross-reference and associated geographic coordinates.
The geographic latitude and longitude coordinates are to the center of the postal code FSA. This product does not provide LDU or street level coordinate granularity.
Produced: on or before 5th calendar day quarterly
Current Release: February 4, 2025
Distribution Frequency: quarterly (issue date: January, April, July, October)
Distribution Format: Internet download
Postal Code Database Standard Edition Reference Manual
Postal Code Database Standard Edition Sample Data
Field | Data Type | Field Description |
PostalCode | CHAR(7) | The six character Postal Code. |
City | VARCHAR(64) | The preferred name for the city, town, or unique organization. |
Province | CHAR(2) | Two character abbreviation of the province or territory. |
CityType | CHAR(1) | Specifies whether the city name field specifies the preferred or an alternate name for the Postal Code. |
PostalCodeType | CHAR(1) | Specifies the basic category of the Postal Code (R)ural or (U)rban |
Latitude | DOUBLE | Latitude in decimal degrees of the geographic centroid of the postal code FSA |
Longitude | DOUBLE | Longitude in decimal degrees of the geographic centroid of the postal code FSA |
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `postalcodestandard`;
USE `postalcodestandard`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `postalcodes`;
CREATE TABLE `postalcodes` (
`PostalCode` CHAR(7) NOT NULL,
`Province` CHAR(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`PostalCodeType` CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`Latitude` DOUBLE DEFAULT 0,
`Longitude` DOUBLE DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`PostalCode`));