United States, Canada & Mexico Combined Postal Code Database

United States, Canada & Mexico Combine Postal Code Database

Complete listing of all United States, Canadian, and Mexican postal codes in a single package. Full state, province, and territory names and abbreviations; postal code types; latitude and longitude coordinates. This package also includes full time zone information and primary telephone area code associated with each postal code.

Produced: on or before 5th calendar day quarterly
Current Release: October 4, 2024
Distribution Frequency: quarterly (issue date: January, April, July, October)
Distribution Format: Internet download

pdf file United States, Canada & Mexico Combined Postal Code Database Reference Manual
zipped file United States, Canada & Mexico Combined Postal Code Database Sample Data

Postal Codes Assignments File

FieldData TypeField Description
PostalCodeCHAR(7)United States, Canada or Mexico ZIP or postal code.
  • 5-digit United States Postal Service ZIP Code
  • 5-digit SEPOMEX postal code
  • 7-character Canada Post postal code; formatted 3-character Forward Sortation Area (FSA), space, 3-character Local Delivery Unit (LDU)
PlaceVARCHAR(64)Settlement, town, community, colony, or locale name.

Mexico entries only
CityVARCHAR(64)The city, community, station or other name for the postal code area.
CountyNameVARCHAR(64)Name of the Mexico municipality or predominate United States county, parish, or borough the postal code is located in.
StateProvinceNameVARCHAR(64)The full name for the state, province or territory the postal code is located in.
StateProvinceVARCHAR(5)ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code.
  • US - 2 character USPS state or territory abbreviation
  • CA - 2 character Canada Post province or territory abbreviation
  • MX - 2-4 character SEPOMEX state abbreviation
CountryCHAR(2)ISO 3166-1 two character country code
  • US - United States
  • CA - Canada
  • MX - Mexico
CityTypeCHAR(1)USPS or Canada Post recognition of the City name when used with this postal code.
  • P - the specified city name is the official city name for this postal code.
  • A - the city name is an acceptable alternate for use with this postal code.
  • N - the specified city name is not acceptable for use with this postal code.
PostalCodeTypeCHAR(1)The postal code definition or type for delivery purposes.

United States entries
  • S - A standard ZIP Code
  • P - A ZIP Code used only for Post Office Boxes
  • U - A ZIP Code used for a unique organization
  • M - An APO/FPO (Military) ZIP Code
Mexico and Canada entries
  • U - urban
  • R - rural
FIPSCHAR(5)County or county equivalent code.
  • US - 5-digit FIPS county code
  • MX - 5-digit INEGI municipality code
AreaCodeCHAR(3)Predominate 3-digit telephone area code.
  • United States or Canadian 3-digit Numbering Plan Area (NPA)
  • Mexican Region 3-digit Identification Number (NIR).
OverlayVARCHAR(128)Additional telephone area codes in use when the predominate telephone area code is an overlayed area code. Multiple entries are separated by an ASCII forward slash "/" character.
TimeZoneCHAR(2)North American Time Zone the post code is located in.
  • AK - Alaska
  • AS - (American) Samoa
  • AT - Atlantic
  • CH - Chamorro
  • CT - Central
  • ET - Eastern
  • HT - Hawaii-Aleutian
  • KO - Kosrae
  • MA - Marshall
  • MT - Mountain
  • NT - Newfoundland
  • PA - Palau
  • PO - Pohnpei (Ponape)
  • PA - Palau
  • PT - Pacific
DSTCHAR(1)Single character Y/N value indicating whether daylight saving time is observed at this location.
UTCCHAR(6)The standard time Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset at this location. Format is +\-HH:MM.
LatitudeDOUBLELatitude in decimal degrees to the approximate geographic center of the postal code service area.
LongitudeDOUBLELongitude in decimal degrees to the approximate geographic center of the postal code service area.
OlsonVARCHAR(64)Olson Time Zone ID - Unique time zone name from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) time zone database. This database is also known as the tz database, tzdata, and Olson database.

SQL Table Definitions

USE `postalcodes`;

CREATE TABLE `uscamx` (
  `PostalCode` char(7) NOT NULL,
  `Place` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `City` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `CountyName` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `StateProvinceName` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  `StateProvince` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
  `Country` char(2) NOT NULL,
  `CityType` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `PostalCodeType` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `FIPS` char(5) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AreaCode` char(3) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Overlay` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
  `TimeZone` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `DST` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `UTC` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Latitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
  `Longitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
  `Olson` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `postal` (`PostalCode`)