Complete listing of all United States, Canadian, and Mexican postal codes in a single package. Full state, province, and territory names and abbreviations; postal code types; latitude and longitude coordinates. This package also includes full time zone information and primary telephone area code associated with each postal code.
Produced: on or before 5th calendar day quarterly
Current Release: February 4, 2025
Distribution Frequency: quarterly (issue date: January, April, July, October)
Distribution Format: Internet download
United States, Canada & Mexico Combined Postal Code Database Reference Manual
United States, Canada & Mexico Combined Postal Code Database Sample Data
Field | Data Type | Field Description |
PostalCode | CHAR(7) | United States, Canada or Mexico ZIP or postal code.
Place | VARCHAR(64) | Settlement, town, community, colony, or locale name. Mexico entries only |
City | VARCHAR(64) | The city, community, station or other name for the postal code area. |
CountyName | VARCHAR(64) | Name of the Mexico municipality or predominate United States county, parish, or borough the postal code is located in. |
StateProvinceName | VARCHAR(64) | The full name for the state, province or territory the postal code is located in. |
StateProvince | VARCHAR(5) | ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code.
Country | CHAR(2) | ISO 3166-1 two character country code
CityType | CHAR(1) | USPS or Canada Post recognition of the City name when used with this postal code.
PostalCodeType | CHAR(1) | The postal code definition or type for delivery purposes. United States entries
FIPS | CHAR(5) | County or county equivalent code.
AreaCode | CHAR(3) | Predominate 3-digit telephone area code.
Overlay | VARCHAR(128) | Additional telephone area codes in use when the predominate telephone area code is an overlayed area code. Multiple entries are separated by an ASCII forward slash "/" character. |
TimeZone | CHAR(2) | North American Time Zone the post code is located in.
DST | CHAR(1) | Single character Y/N value indicating whether daylight saving time is observed at this location. |
UTC | CHAR(6) | The standard time Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset at this location. Format is +\-HH:MM. |
Latitude | DOUBLE | Latitude in decimal degrees to the approximate geographic center of the postal code service area. |
Longitude | DOUBLE | Longitude in decimal degrees to the approximate geographic center of the postal code service area. |
Olson | VARCHAR(64) | Olson Time Zone ID - Unique time zone name from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) time zone database. This database is also known as the tz database, tzdata, and Olson database. |
USE `postalcodes`;
CREATE TABLE `uscamx` (
`PostalCode` char(7) NOT NULL,
`Place` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`City` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`CountyName` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`StateProvinceName` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`StateProvince` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
`Country` char(2) NOT NULL,
`CityType` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`PostalCodeType` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`AreaCode` char(3) DEFAULT NULL,
`Overlay` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
`TimeZone` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`Latitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
`Longitude` double DEFAULT NULL,
`Olson` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `postal` (`PostalCode`)