United States
ZIP Plus 4 Multi-County ZIP Code Database

Surprisingly 5-digit United States ZIP Codes can and do cross county, state, and time zone boundaries. Even more interesting is that the preferred city name for a ZIP Code can vary at the 9-digit ZIP Code level.

United States 5-Digit ZIP Codes

The United States ZIP Plus 4 Multi-County ZIP Code Database provides an efficient platform to accurately identify the preferred city name, county, or time zone for any 9-digit ZIP Code.

This database provides a lossless compression of the preferred city name, county and Plus 4 add-on range information from the 43 million+/- records of the United States Postal Service ZIP + 4 national database, appends time zone identification to each ZIP+4 range, resulting in a manageable 406K +/- record count.

While this data finds use in many type applications, it is particularly well suited for TCPA and similar compliancy type applications needing to identify the county and time zone for any 9-digit ZIP Code.

Produced: on or before 5th calendar day quarterly
Current Release: March 4, 2025
Distribution Frequency: quarterly (issue date: January, April, July, October)
Distribution Format: Internet download

pdf file Multi-County ZIP Code Database Reference Manual
zipped file Multi-County ZIP Code Database Sample Data

Portions of data provided by and Copyright United States Postal Service 2025. Quentin Sager Consulting is a non-exclusive licensee of the United States Postal Service.

ZIP Code Assignments File

FieldData TypeField Description
zipCHAR (5)ZIP Code
The 5-digit code that identifies a specific geographic delivery area. ZIP Codes can represent an area within a state, or a single building or company that has a very high mail volume.
plus4_loCHAR (4)+4 Low Number
The beginning 4-digit ZIP Plus 4 number for the current "Plus 4" range.
plus4_hiCHAR (4)+4 High Number
The ending 4-digit ZIP Plus 4 number for the current "Plus 4" range.
zip_typeCHAR (1)ZIP Classification Code
Identifies the type of ZIP area a 5-digit ZIP Code serves.
  • M - Military ZIP Code
  • P - ZIP Code having only Post Office boxes
  • U - Unique ZIP code, ZIP assigned to a single organization.
  • blank - Standard ZIP with many addresses assigned to it.
cityVARCHAR (128)Preferred Last-Line City State Name
The USPS preferred last line city, municipality or Post Office name for a ZIP Code.
stateCHAR (2)State Abbreviation
The USPS 2-character abbreviation for the name of the state, U.S. territory, or armed forces ZIP Code designation.
fipsCHAR (5)FIPS County Code
The Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) county code is a unique 5-digit code used to identify every county or equivalent area.

This code is technically the concatenation of the FIPS 2-digit state code followed by the FIPS 3-digit county code.
utcCHAR (6)Time Zone Offset
Standard time Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset for the geographic delivery area identified by the ZIP Code. Formatted +/-HH:MM
dstCHAR (1)Daylight Saving Time
Single Y/N value indicating whether Daylight Saving Time (DST) is observed at the geographic area identified by the ZIP Code.
olsonVARCHAR (128)Olson Time Zone ID
Unique time zone name from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) time zone database. This database is also known as the tz database, tzdata, and Olson database.

County Codes File

FieldData TypeField Description
fipsCHAR (5)FIPS County Code
The Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) county code is a unique 5-digit code used to identify every county or equivalent area.

This code is technically the concatenation of the FIPS 2-digit state code followed by the FIPS 3-digit county code.
countyVARCHAR (128)County Name
The common name of the , parish, borough or equivalent area.
stateCHAR (2)State Abbreviation
The USPS 2-character abbreviation for the name of the state, U.S. territory, or armed forces ZIP Code designation.

State Codes File

FieldData TypeField Description
State_AbbrCHAR (2)State Abbreviation
USPS 2-character state, territory or equivalent abbreviation.
State_FIPSCHAR (2)State FIPS Code
Unique 2-digit Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) state code.
State_NameVARCHAR (128)State Name
The common state, territory or equivalent name
State_FormalVARCHAR (128)State Formal Name
The formal state, territory or equivalent name.

SQL Table Definitions

USE `zipcode`;

CREATE TABLE `zipcode` (
	`zip` char(5) NOT NULL,
	`plus4_lo` char(4) NOT NULL,
	`plus4_hi` char(4) NOT NULL,
	`zip_type` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
	`city` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
	`state` char(2) NOT NULL,
	`fips` char(5) DEFAULT NULL,
	`utc` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,
	`dst` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
	`olson` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (`zip`,`plus4_lo`)

CREATE TABLE `county` (
	`fips` char(5) NOT NULL,
	`county` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
	`state` char(2) NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (`fips`)

CREATE TABLE `state` (
	`State_Abbr` char(2) NOT NULL,
	`State_FIPS` char(2) NOT NULL,
	`State_Name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
	`State_Formal` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (`State_Abbr`)